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Bed Bugs

Bedbug services vary from one to the next so no two are necessarily the same.  Due to this, we cannot determine what methods will or won't be used for a given situation.  We do specialize in this service and will do what we can to ensure that all are gone within the service window for the low and moderate service classifications.  High severity services are not guaranteed however we will still provide the best chance of success within the service window as we can.

Prices are estimated until a proper in-person inspection can be performed.   Specialty cleaning services can be bundled if appropriate however performing it will be completed after sightings cease.   


Whole home will be given a baseboard barrier treatment on first service regardless of scope of work.


If there are no live findings for 1 month after services are complete, then the guarantee is fulfilled.  Sending a picture of live bug will be required.  Any findings after that will incur new service fees.  It is in your best interest to be diligent with instructions given post service to ensure they are all cleared out.  This includes regular vacuuming, drying linens every three days, changing clothes before leaving the room in the morning, not leaving in the middle of the night, and actually sleeping in affected rooms.

Remote Consultation - Video/chat guidance on how to self-treat correctly

  • Includes 60 minutes of dedicated consultation time remotely through Discord in private channel.

  • Will advise what to do and where based on video.

  • Will educate about the target pest and how they operate to provide understanding.

  • Must have a cellphone with video capability, a bright flashlight and the Discord app.

  • Will also include post consultation questions availability in discord chat though response will be as we are able to answer them and not necessarily immediately.

  • Can request as many consultations as you want according to scheduling availability.

Low (under 20, one room affected) - Initial + 1 monthly followup

  • Includes two hr minimum per service (even if it takes less/more time)

  • No-prep required other than removing linens from affected bed before we arrive

  • Qualifies for guarantee extension only at time of purchase

  • Sightings may continue after initial service while treatment takes time to work

Moderate (20-99, two rooms+) - Initial + 2 monthly followups

  • Includes three hr minimum per service (even if it takes less/more time)

  • No-prep required other than removing linens/belongings from affected beds and sitting areas

  • All beds/sitting areas to be thoroughly inspected and treated as needed

  • Qualifies for guarantee extension only at time of purchase

  • Sightings will likely continue after initial service while treatment takes time to work

High (100+ three rooms+) - Initial + 3 monthly followups

  • Includes four hr minimum per service (even if it takes less/more time)

  • Some prep may be required depending on environmental conditions

  • May advise discarding certain furniture/items - this is optional however highly recommended

  • Cannot guarantee 100% clearance however additional services may be purchased or we will educate on how to continue services on your own after ours are completed

  • Sightings will definitely continue after initial service and possibly after all services.

Basic Treatment Package - Included in rates

  • This treatment package is the most basic where we will vacuum up any live activity and apply Crossfire per label instructions.

  • All linens and items around and in contact with actively used beds and sitting areas will have to be removed and put in the dryer on high heat for 30 min.  Items that cannot be dried must stay out of contact from treatment areas.

  • Where necessary we may take some furniture pieces apart as needed to get to live activity if we feel the item is in good enough condition to handle it.

  • Residents cannot be in areas actively being treated.

  • This will get rid of the bedbug problem however it can take about three months for them to all be gone depending on what severity the situation started with and how diligent residents are to do what needs to be done to achieve it.  It doesn't mean they can't be gone sooner but this is the projected max window.

Premium Treatment Package - Optional Upgrade

  • This treatment package is our premium option where we will vacuum up any live activity and apply Crossfire per label instructions in combination with Aprehend a specialized targeted non-toxic biological treatment specifically for bedbugs.

  • All linens and items around and in contact with actively used beds and sitting areas will have to be removed and put in the dryer on high heat for 30 min.  Items that cannot be laundered can be left out to be put in a treatment zone.

  • Where necessary we may take some furniture pieces apart as needed to get to live activity if we feel the item is in good enough condition to handle it.

  • Residents will have to leave the home during treatment and for up to 4 hours after treatment.

  • This will get rid of the bedbug problem typically within a month regardless of severity as long as proper application is possible.

Deluxe Treatment Package - Optional Upgrade

  • This treatment package is our Deluxe option where we will vacuum up any live activity and apply Crossfire per label instructions in combination with Aprehend a specialized targeted non-toxic biological treatment specifically for bedbugs.

  • Additionally, we will deep clean and organize the affected rooms for you.  All launderable items will be put in a large clear plastic bag so you can handle them after returning and the rest will be placed as neatly as possible with a treatment zone set up around them where applicable.  Trash items will be removed, and furniture cleaned as appropriate whereas not to interfere with treatment.  Only applies to bedrooms/living room.

  • Where necessary we may take some furniture pieces apart as needed to get to live activity if we feel the item is in good enough condition to handle it.

  • Residents will have to leave the home during treatment and for up to 4 hours after treatment.

  • This will get rid of the bedbug problem typically within a month regardless of severity as long as proper application is possible.

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All photos shown here have been taken by us.
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Bed Bug + Roach Package

We understand that it is difficult for most families to be able to afford the cost of bed bug services.  Those same families often have roach issues as well to compound the overwhelming nature of dealing with these pests.  Many resort to trying to self treat in hopes to manage the numbers but ultimately only ends up spreading to the rest of the house.  We have seen this situation many times; too many.  This is the solution we can offer to fix it.  If you don't have both issues then feel free to choose one of the stand-alone options available.  However, this package includes everything that both of these services offer on their own in increments.  Normally the bedbug service alone would require a lump up front sum of $1000-3000 for what we are including here on a monthly payment plan.  We require no credit check but a credit card will be required to be on file and holds will be placed on that card prior to the service day.  You will be provided with plenty of forewarning of upcoming service so you must let us know if you want us to reschedule two days prior.  If the hold fails, the service will not be done.

If there's any consideration of getting this service just to get one or two services and try to cancel; don't bother wasting our time or yours.  These problems will not go away with only a few services.  Expect to finish out the year or don't request this service.


Requires signed agreement.

Bedbugs + Roaches Monthly Schedule

First Visit - Bedbugs Priority

All beds and sitting areas - removal of live activity and debris and barrier treatment - assist with decluttering/removing trash and cleaning around these furniture pieces.

Also start sterilization process for roaches and whole home barrier.

Second Visit - Roaches Priority, Basic check on bedbug progress

Kitchen Deep Clean + Whole home liquid barrier and roach treatment + Recheck bed treatment progress

Third Visit - Retreat kitchen, recheck bedbug progress, interior fridge and stove clean.

Fourth visit and afterwards - Recheck all treatments and reapply - basic maintenance clean of kitchen only

Bedbug covers can be purchase separately and put on the beds after 2 services with no sightings; not required.

We will continue to monitor and treat for both services through to the end of the year.  If both are clear before the end of the year then we will maintain preventative treatment for both and maintenance cleaning services until plan is complete.   At that point the services will end or you can choose to change to different services such as preventative exterior pest control or regular maintenance cleaning services or cancel completely.

Failure to adhere to the full 12 month period may result in total remaining balance being sent to collections.

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We accept all major credit cards, Paypal, Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and TAP to pay.

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