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Exterior Pest Control

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Exterior pest control is the standard service for keeping pests out from coming inside your home.  If you don't want to see random critters passing through your home, then this would be the way to go.  Yearly agreement initial services do include an inside preventative barrier treatment if requested.


Included pests that are covered are:  *Ants (Argentine/Carpenter/Harvester/Odorous/Fire), Asian Lady Beetles, Kudzu bug, Beetles, Stink bugs, Centipedes, Crickets, Earwigs, *Fleas, Millipedes, Roaches (American/Oriental/Asian/Brown Banded/Smoky Brown/Pale-bordered Field/Woods), Paper Wasps (within 30ft reach), pillbugs, sowbugs, and Spiders.  Yellowjackets and hornets may also be covered depending on where they are located.

*Ants are covered by this only within a 10-foot perimeter of the main structure on the exterior unless bait stations are purchased and installed during a regular service.  Refills are no additional charge, but breakage will result in replacement fee.

*Fleas are only covered by this as a preventative measure.  Active fleas will need the flea service.  More long-term cases of fleas may need the regular flea addon to this service.

Service Window

Service window is the period of time between services that we schedule for.  Currently we are offering monthly and every other month exterior preventative pest services.  We do also offer quarterly services, however, we do not guarantee no-sightings for this service window on the last month.

Add-ons can be added to the standard service for an additional fee and are not stand-alone.

Add-on options:  Additional buildings, yard cleaning, flea treatment, rodent service, trash bin cleaning

Additional building add-on:  If you have multiple buildings on one property that you want exterior service for then this is the option for you.  Includes additional homes, sheds, garages, or any building not attached to the main home structure.  Increase is per building based on size and if they require driving between them.  Must not have a separate address.  Each address is required by state law to have their own pest control service.  We can add additional addresses to one account, but they wouldn't be add-on services.  This is a re-occuring service congruent with the pest control service.

Additional yard cleaning add-on:  See Yard Cleaning here for information.

All services listed here require full front and backyard access (unless previously agreed upon otherwise).

All pictures shown here have been taken by us.
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