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Mark Rober's Bedbug Video

Notes and information

Everything shown in this video prior to these notes is all very good and correct information.

12:40 – The professor's team is treating the room with Aprehend. (This never gets mentioned in the video)

12:41 – This steamer is VERY effective.  Iirc it can get to about 350 degrees. Beast mode activated.  It also runs about $1500

14:25 – He visits the other rooms of other bugs, I would love to have that lab of roaches.. and bedbugs too.

15:57 – Correct, all the items like dryer sheets, baking soda, mothballs, essential oils are useless.

16:22 – Correct, hot shot and almost all OTC treatment options from Walmart or other similar places are useless.

17:16 – Diatomaceous earth, DO NOT put your hand in it like this unless you want your skin to have a bunch of micro abrasions and dry out

17:40 – He indicates here that it kills bedbugs within hours to days – correct, however that is potentially about 3-7 days of egg laying before it kicks in, 15-35 more eggs before death – too slow

18:38 – good tips regarding travelling however I would also recommend getting crossfire aerosol to pre-treat suitcases and shoes before the trip.  If travelling by car I'd suggest taking another one for the destination just in case.

19:18 – Encasements – this is good for preventative and early warning system.  If you have active bugs these will make eradication take longer

19:37 – Dryer – Essential to quick eradication – Linens should be dried every 3 days or so including curtains in contact with the bed or resting areas.  Any clothing on, under, around or near the bed should also go in the dryer as well as anything else that can handle the tumbling heat.  30 min on high

19:49 – Declutter – Correct – this helps a lot to get rid of bedbugs faster

20:04 – Move bed away from wall – Correct

20:11 – Vacuum – Correct – vacuuming the room and all beds/sitting areas thoroughly is important to getting rid of bedbugs – any live activity should be removed this way.

20:22 – Diatomaceous Earth – Correct – it kills bedbugs – should not be used alone without any other treatment options and should have an applicator to use properly as shown in the video as it should be applied as a thin layer of dust as he mentioned and not mountains or deserts.  This video shows the correct application method.  Most DIYers do not do this correctly.

20:39 – Mountains and deserts of Diatomaceous earth are even explained in this video to not do as it will cause issues with treatment

20:42 – Steam – Correct, steam kills bedbugs – however there is a lot of work involved with using it and while it can potentially do what it is supposed to do, I don’t find this to be an essential step if the vacuum is used correctly.  Heating things to 118 can kill eggs but it takes 90 minutes.  As temp increases, time lowers.   Not all steamers are created equal and may not kill bedbugs instantly even with direct contact.  The one shown at the beginning of this video definitely can as I've used it however that is not practical for the standard DIY.

21:07 – Freezer – correct this will kill them but as shown in the video it needs to be a chest freezer and not a freezer attached to a refrigerator as they generally don’t get cold enough unless you can leave whatever it is in there for longer time.

21:15 – Correct – these steps (DE/Steam) might work if you just started seeing them and its new activity, if you're lucky.  Though personally I'm not a fan of putting my chances in the hands of luck at getting rid of these pests.  Crossfire is WAY more effective even if it costs a little more.  Peace of mind goes a long way especially when these bugs in particular cause so much mental anguish.

21:24 – Correct – A lot of bedbug activity may require professional help however this can still be managed with DIY with Crossfire which is never mentioned.

21:30 – Heat treatments are not always successful especially if they don’t use chemical in conjunction with it.  However, the heat part can just be skipped and chemical alone (Crossfire) can do the job.  Additionally, there is a LOT of prep work to be done for heat treatment and a lot of damage can be caused by it that could easily be avoided.

21:42 – Interceptor traps – Not worth using – Unless these are cleaned out every few days, they will not function the way they are intended.  Putting DE in these will allow the bugs to get in and out readily and instead of killing them or trapping them it allows them to continue to produce eggs.  I know the video did not mention doing this, but I have encountered many affected customers that have done so.

Overall, the video isn't bad, but I would consider it 'lying by omission'.  The most effective methods are not mentioned at all and not one iota of effort was put into explaining how harmful Diatomaceous Earth is to the lungs.  This should NOT be put on the mattress, ever, at all!  It also should not be put in any places it would get disturbed by people or pets. 

In conclusion, the most effective (not the cheapest and most easily accessible) treatment options for bedbugs are Crossfire and Aprehend.  Aprehend does require a licensed applicator to use so if you want to pay someone to do the treatment for you this is the only option I would suggest paying for.  Since you stuck around this long to read through all of this, I want to thank you for taking the time.  The password for the Bedbug treatment guide is BeGoneBedbugs.  Good luck and if you need guidance or emotional support while dealing with these pests, please find us in Discord linked above.

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