Roach services can be stand-alone or bundled with the Specialty Deep Cleaning. If it is selected as a stand-alone service, then we offer no guarantee of permanent removal. We will, however, do a full treatment of chemical and non-chemical solutions to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
Roach services follow a strict recurring monthly schedule which residents don't necessarily need to be home for if access is provided either by a key or code.
How is this different from other company services?
Most other companies will set you up with general preventative exterior pest control and say german roaches are included. However, unless the technician stays on top of it, and they continue to come out for free between quarterly services, the problem will never go away. If it does, it's a very slim chance based entirely on luck. We do not provide services this way. Roaches require monthly attention, and we understand that your focus isn't on the pests coming in from outside during this time. We can typically have them managed within six (6) months in most cases. If we do the cleaning service as well it generally takes about three (3) months. This will vary entirely based on your home condition and the environment as a whole. Hoarding or heavy clutter situations with clusters of roaches all over the home can take up to a year or more.
What does our roach service entail?
When we come out to do a service, we do a thorough inspection of the space to find any new or problem areas where they are congregating or 'nesting'.
Once those areas are located, we provide bait for them to eat and share. We give them up to three different baits to choose from since they too can be picky eaters. It is important they don't have any alternative foods to eat during this time such as people or pet food availability.
We also put a growth regulator in place that stops the breeding cycle. This is key to the eventual permanent extermination of these pests. We expose them to this in three different ways; one by proximity to the station, two is by liquid treatment residual that they contact by walking through it since they don't know it is there, and third is from the bait we provide them.
This liquid treatment is also combined with a delayed-effect knockdown that will be metabolized over time and will be shared among the others as they die.
These various treatment options will also be rotated among others we use so no resistance can be built up through the generations. Ideally, they should all be dead anyway before this becomes an issue, however, in more difficult situations, we can ensure this doesn't become a problem.
Are there any cases that you don't provide service to?
No. If you are only seeing one or two randomly, or there is a bunch falling from the doorway as it is opened, it makes no difference to us. The only change will be how many services are needed to get it under control. Spotless home (about 3 months) to hoarder clutter (up to a year or more), we can make it work. However, that said, if the scenario involves a bunch falling from the doors, cabinets, ceiling, etc then it would be best to get the kitchen cleaning service as well. We can then expand the effectiveness of our treatment beyond just targeted spot treatments and include the whole floor, cabinets, walls, etc, as places that will affect them over time.
Previous Services
Updated 3/27/24

Bed Bug + Roach Package
We understand that it is difficult for most families to be able to afford the cost of bed bug services. Those same families often have roach issues as well to compound the overwhelming nature of dealing with these pests. Many resort to trying to self treat in hopes to manage the numbers but ultimately only ends up spreading to the rest of the house. We have seen this situation many times; too many. This is the solution we can offer to fix it. If you don't have both issues then feel free to choose one of the stand-alone options available. However, this package includes everything that both of these services offer on their own in increments. Normally the bedbug service alone would require a lump up front sum of $1000-3000 for what we are including here on a monthly payment plan. We require no credit check but a credit card will be required to be on file and holds will be placed on that card prior to the service day. You will be provided with plenty of forewarning of upcoming service so you must let us know if you want us to reschedule two days prior. If the hold fails, the service will not be done.
If there's any consideration of getting this service just to get one or two services and try to cancel; don't bother wasting our time or yours. These problems will not go away with only a few services. Expect to finish out the year or don't request this service.
Requires signed agreement.
Bedbugs + Roaches Monthly Schedule
First Visit - Bedbugs Priority
All beds and sitting areas - removal of live activity and debris and barrier treatment - assist with decluttering/removing trash and cleaning around these furniture pieces. Also start sterilization process for roaches and whole home barrier.
Second Visit - Roaches Priority, Basic check on bedbug progress
Kitchen Deep Clean + Whole home liquid barrier and roach treatment + Recheck bed treatment progress
Third Visit - Retreat kitchen, recheck bedbug progress, interior fridge and stove clean.
Fourth visit and afterwards - Recheck all treatments and reapply - basic maintenance clean of kitchen only
Bedbug covers can be purchase separately and put on the beds after 2 services with no sightings; not required.
We will continue to monitor and treat for both services through to the end of the year. If both are clear before the end of the year then we will maintain preventative treatment for both and maintenance cleaning services until plan is complete. At that point the services will end or you can choose to change to different services such as preventative exterior pest control or regular maintenance cleaning services or cancel completely.
Failure to adhere to the full 12 month period may result in total remaining balance being sent to collections.